Wellness Cornerstones

We underline the significance of self-perception and daily practices, through the Four Humour elements; fire, air, water and earth.

Four Humors Elements

Fire represents heat, light, digestion, metabolism and transformation. It fuels our sense of independence and motivation.

Air represents all forms of motion, including blood circulation, breath, thoughts, and locomotion. When in balance, air gives off light and a sense of buoyancy;

Water is soothing, cleansing, sustaining, and nourishing. The water element helps us connect to our feelings and emotions.

The earth element is cool, heavy, rough, and stable. It also represents the structures of our bodies—bones, flesh, skin—and helps give us shape. These elements are incorporated into our Face, Body and Beauty treatments.

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Correlating mood: loving and compassionate awareness, intellect, light heartedness
This element represents heat, light, digestion, metabolism, and transformation When our inner flames are stoked, fire provides energy for the body This element fuels our sense of independence and motivation We know our fire is in balance when we easily tap into all the emotions associated with power inner strength, confidence, discipline, motivation, and change When it’s off kilter, we may feel irritable or angry, or experience inflammation, digestive problems, or fever.

Correlating mood: confidence, discipline, motivation
Air represents all forms of motion, including blood circulation, breath, thoughts, and locomotion. When in balance, air gives off light and a sense of buoyancy when it’s askew, it can show up as anxiety and indecision It may cause an inability to be present, or create conflict in relationships An air imbalance can cause disruptions in your immune system or hormone production.

Correlating mood: flexibility, fun, creativity
Water is soothing, cleansing, sustaining, and nourishing The water element helps us connect to our feelings and emotions Water imbalances can manifest in shifts in the quality and amount of fluids in the body, including saliva, digestive juices, joint fluid, reproductive fluids, and blood Mentally, an out of balance water element is associated with addiction, repressed emotions, or a lack of creativity.

Correlating mood: calm, grounded, safe, reliable
The most dense of all the elements, earth makes up the solid matter of the universe The earth element is cool, heavy, rough, and stable It also represents the structures of our bodies bones, flesh, skin and helps give us shape When the earth element is out of balance, issues with our skin, hair, muscles, and bones may crop up We may also experience exhaustion, weakness, lack of flexibility or loss of appetite.

Life Gallery - Wellness Cornerstones
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